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The Lupus Revolution Poster + Programme (2)_edited.jpg

The Lupus Revolution - Empowerment Fashion Showcase

 Celebrating Lupus warriors in world lupus awareness month!

Thank you once again for all your support regardless of the heavy rainstorm and flooding last Saturday.

We thank everyone from organizers, backstage, sponsors, friends and family, volunteers. Without you guys this event would not be this successful under this intense rainstorm.



Ever since we were an online patients support group, we would like to empower every lupus patient with  our little dream - to encourage and inspire each other.

And to let all of you know that, you will never be alone in this everyday battle. We hope the 10 lupus patients on the runway today, can remember how beautiful and confidence you were on the stage. And proudly walk out your door every day, with your shoulder opened, head held high.

一直以來,MLD都希望藉著我們小小的力量,希望可以以生命影響生命鼓勵和之前每一位同路人。患上紅斑狼瘡,並不代表它可以奪去你活得漂亮的權利。亦希望可以支持你們與你們一起共同抗爭,因為你並不孤單。我們希望今次十位紅斑狼瘡症患者,在台上自信滿滿的模特兒,每一天起床,每一天出門,都能夠好像你當天踏上台板一樣,為自己感到驕傲,打開肩膀,抬起頭,繼續勇敢的一起走下去! 💜


Event photography sponsor: @lamma @klw_hk

Event Snap photography @realjeff

We hope to regularly share information and stories related to lupus. Like and share our content to raise lupus awareness.

我們希望可以恆常跟大家分享有關紅斑狼瘡的資訊和故事,希望大家可以讚好和分享本專頁,讓更多人認識和關注紅斑狼瘡症 。

關注紅斑狼瘡症 Know Lupus, Fight Lupus.






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